A Blog About Stoddard 250th Events

Witness the opening of the 1999 JFES Time Capsule

Wednesday, June 5th, 5:30-6:30pm at James Faulkner Elementary School Celebration of Stoddard.

Come view student work, hear Capstone presentations, and witness the opening of the 1999 JFES Time Capsule


SPNHF: Old Antrim Rd to Bacon Ledge to Trout Pond to Shedd Hill Rd.

Saturday, June 15
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Join Glenn Stan, Steve Jacobs, Zach Pearo and others for a moderate 5-mile hike with some steeper inclines. Generally suitable for novice hikers who want a bit of a challenge.
Enjoy Nature. Learn about the geology of the land, some local history, and a bit about forest management.
If hiking with a partner, park one car on Shedd Hill Rd at the entrance to the Peirce Reservation and another on Old Antrim Rd. Some shuttling options may become available. Hiking to Trout Pond and doubling back to Old Antrim is also an option.

First Get to Know Stoddard Hike

Our first Getting To Know Stoddard Hike on Saturday was a success! We had about 34 hikers who hiked Mansell Link to Jefts Cemetery.

Almost 50 people, including a number of students, turned out in the rain to pick up 60 big bags of trash!

Once again we have to thank Rachel and Patrick Leonard who organized the event and made it fun. 🙌

To all who helped to coordinate and donate their time and energy as well as those who couldn’t come but sent food, a heartfelt thank you! ❤️ Your dedication and determination reminds us all of the profound impact we can have when we come together as a community. 🤝

If a ‘journey of a thousand miles starts with one step,’ getting involved and meeting your neighbors can start with showing up and picking up one beer can. 🙏

Illustrated program on the History of Stoddard from 1768 to present with Alan Rumrill

Event at Davis Library

It was a fun and well-attended event with about 50 people squeezed into the library! The kids did crafts, had story hour and ate up the 250th logo printed on a delicious chocolate cake!

Stoddard Snow Shindig

Saturday’s Snow Shindig was a great success! Thank you to everyone who came out to participate in the activities and our incredible volunteers who helped make the day a big success with approximately 200 people that showed up!

Island Pond transformed into a hockey rink and space for ice skating with tractors pulling sleds way across the pond.

We also had 50 holes for the fishing derby! Congratulations to our winners…Trent Ferland won for most species with Sun, Dace, Perch and Crappie. Willow Chickering was the winner for the longest fish at 19 ¼”, and Chris Stewart was the winner of the heaviest fish at 3.29 pounds!

It was a wonderful community event with the Fire Department serving hot dogs and s’mores and members of the James Faulkner Elementary School PTO treating everyone to delicious corn chowder, chili and more.

It was a delight to see our families and neighbors mingling in a true community spirit enjoying the winter activities!

Celebrate Stoddard 250 Newsletter #6

Celebrate Stoddard 250 Newsletter #2

January 1, 2024

Happy first day of Stoddard’s 250th birthday year! Now we begin our year-long series of events, all over town, for all ages and backgrounds. Many volunteers have planned a snow festival in February, hikes, concerts, a James Faulkner Elementary School celebration, historical lectures, a huge Old Home Days in July, and more. Follow the events page on the website to stay up to date on what’s happening, and please pass this on.

Watch for a story soon in the Keene Sentinel about our anniversary year.


Kickoff January 8th

Join with your fellow settlers in petitioning The Authorities to establish a new town, to be called Stoddard. We will meet at Town Hall on Monday Jan 8 at 7 pm, with period appropriate refreshments afterwards. (And you can take home the recipes, to recreate 1784 for your family.) Wear your best knee britches and tri-corn hats, or cloak and bonnet, to kick off our year-long celebration.

Snow (we hope) Shindig Feb 17 at Island Pond

Enjoy old-fashioned outdoor fun with your neighbors: ice skating, fishing derby, a bonfire with s’mores and lunch served by Stoddard Fire and Rescue.

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA for updates and to share your own photos! Tag us

@celebratestoddard250 or #stoddard250.

